The Original Joke?

Surely you jest!

We’ve come to some oasis
Where the water tastes like truth
Filtered through reverse osmosis
And delivered to the youth
For the thirsty do not inquire
If that cup of Kool-Aid is pure
When it quenches the heart’s desire
And comforts the unsure

Have you heard the one about The Original Joke? No? Well, three goddesses quarrel over an apple, and drama ensues. Guess you had to be there…and now you can be!

For the first time ever, leaping from the page to the stage, before your very ears: The Original Joke.

It’s a seedy tale of grit and glory. Nostalgia and novelty clash across three dimensions, as the future of music and magic hangs in the balance.

Cassandra, Jack, and Demi are on the precipice of success with their new album, Rorschach Mumble. But can the band survive the lure of Echo Chambers and the Hype Machine?

Wealth, wit and vanity vie for the prize, as Jack Cadillac arrives at the Crossroads, an unlikely guitar hero with the power to restore the rain.

The Original Joke is a symbol-minded send-up and full-length meta-uber-surreal rock operation and fantasy soapstone sculpture.

You are excited!

The play is currently in pre-production.

Please direct all inquiries regarding this script to the principals, using this contact form.

The Original Joke is a satirical drama. All rights reserved. A joint adventure of Air Lift Underground Living Theater and Amana Mission Publishing Ink.


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Every Tale has a teller